For questions and setting up appointments:
Often the most efficient way to speak with Dr. Blanning is to schedule an office, phone or zoom consultation. Click the button below to book an appointment.
Please note: Dr. Blanning will be in Europe from August 25th to September 22, back in the office beginning September 25th. If you are an established patient and have a medical issue that cannot wait, call him and leave a message or email through the “contact” page of the webisite. If you are a new patient, you are welcome to schedule an appointment here on the website (see below).
If you’ve looked at our website and still have specific questions about our services, you are welcome to call (720)-404-9199. Dr. Blanning answers the phone between appointments. If you do not catch him, please leave a message. Dr. Blanning checks his voicemail at least twice daily, Monday through Friday.
For questions about anthroposophic nursing or rhythmical massage treatments, you can reach Dona Totten RN at 303-704-0199. You can also schedule appointments directly with Dona by clicking on the “Schedule an appointment” button–you will just need to select her as a provider (instead of Dr. Blanning).